How NewAgeSys Manages the Best Work-life Balance?
There is a general claim made by everyone who is employed- “we work for our happiness, to lead a good life and have financial independence, which will in turn help in building a social status.”- However, the fact that also needs consideration at this point is that is every person out there who is doing a job and earning money also happily leading his/her life. With numerous factors affecting the same, one of the important ones is the lack of capability to find the best work-life balance. Work life should be enjoyed and approached with utmost seriousness as it comes with many responsibilities. But that does not mean that it should consume one’s life and energy leaving him/her tired or too tired to even have time for that person.
Despite being a highly professional company in terms of employee management, NewAgeSys has been understanding and working around this aspect ever since its inception. Even when the company was not established in the way it is today, the managers had a vision of retaining the skilled workforce by helping them find the proper work-life balance. The managers of the company also take up the role of mentors to ensure that every employee working at NewAgeSys is not burdened by the work and get all the necessary help in balancing life and work. In order to accomplish the same, the first change that the company introduced was to set a target and to work collectively towards achieving the same. Every employee is handed over a particular section of the task that he/she needs to complete through teamwork. This enabled each team to attain their goals separately, thereby making a mammoth task simpler. This not only lessened the chances of errors but also increased the productivity of the company.
Being a US-based company with its office in India as well, one of the major issues that the employees face is the change of time. However, providing flexible working hours has also solved that issue. The company allows its employees to choose flexible timings that do not hamper productivity towards the company without compromising on their personal life. There are strong staffing strategies in place that ensure that every employee working at NewAgeSys has ample free time as well without hampering the company’s smooth functioning.
Gone are those days when the pay rates were low and people had to work extra hours to pay their bills. Technological advancement, skill enhancement and having a proper management system in place are the changes that have been introduced with time in order to make work simpler and efficient. At NewAgeSys we make our employees understand the same to create a proper work-life balance.