Psychological Safety Cared about at Working at NewAge Family
In every kind of organization it is extremely important to make employees and staff feel belonged. This feeling of belongingness and acceptance will increase productivity and allow employees to work in a team and put forward their ideas without any hesitation.
This feeling of acceptance can be brought in only when the psychological safety of employees and its effects are understood and looked into. According to previous research, psychological safety has been defined as a belief and trust that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.
NewAgeSys has been an established and successful organization for years and this has only been possible due to the extremely hardworking employees. The staff is so motivated because at NewAgeSys family we have understood the importance of psychological safety. We have ensured that while working at NewAgeSys employees feel confident to put their ideas into action and contribute to the overall growth of the company.
Here is how we look into our employee’s psychological safety while working at NewAgeSys family:
- Effective communication: The first and foremost thing we do at NewAgeSys so that employees feel less hesitant is to communicate openly and effectively. All the employees can talk to their heads and team members directly in case they have any new ideas and suggestions for the organization as a whole. This way employees feel more involved and trusted amongst their co-workers. This kind of two-way communication also makes employees feel like everyone is engaged and working together towards a common goal and that everyone is there to listen no matter what the problem.
- Looking into individual employee growth: While working at NewAgeSys we make sure that we promote not only the organization’s growth but also the individual professional growth of every employee. This ensures that the employees always put their best foot forward and can achieve their personal goals and expand their knowledge and abilities while being a part of our organization. Over the years we have understood that promoting a growth mindset enhances the psychological safety of each and every employee in the organization.
- Providing employees due credit and appreciation: Another way in which we ensure psychological safety while working at NewAgeSys is by providing employees with the due credit and appreciation they deserve from time-time. We use incentives and recognition programs so that employees feel extremely rewarded for the work they put into our organization. We also have team building activities and various other events wherein employees and teams are recognized for their contribution. We make sure this takes place regularly because it makes employees feel motivated and happy.
- Creating a positive and open work environment: The environment in which employees work affects their productivity level and psychological safety a lot. Therefore at NewAgeSys, we create a positive and open work environment where we completely nip negativity in the bud. Through this kind of environment, employees work together as a team and positively provide feedback and solutions to problems rather than blaming one another when a problem arises. Our team leaders are also extremely involved in creating an accepting environment for their team members.
- Self-awareness and empathy are key: One thing every team and team member is taught on their very first day working at NewAgeSys is the importance of self-awareness and empathy in the organization. Teaching the importance of these two things allows employees to understand each other better and talk to the team about their style of working etc. Through this, the employees and team leaders ensure to put themselves in each other’s shoes if at all any difficult situation arises. Promoting these two values at NewAgeSys has thoroughly improved the psychological safety of employees.
In conclusion, we at NewAgeSys have understood that at the end of the day putting the psychological safety and mental health of employees in the center will pay off eventually. We have truly understood the meaning of employees are the biggest asset in any organization and make sure that they feel the same way. We as an organization strive towards making NewAgeSys the best place for employees to work by coming up with new and effective programs and strategies regularly.