How the Workforce at NewAgeSys is Cheered up During Challenging 2020
2020 has not been what any of us pictured or even hoped it to be, and the pandemic has been the most significant reason for it in one way or another. We were forced to remain in the confines of our homes and even work from there. This was not something normal for the employees working at NewAgeSys. We were used to working in a warm work environment surrounded by our colleagues and friends.
As the employees working at NewAgeSys were working from their homes indefinitely as the havoc created by the pandemic never really settled, it was inevitable to consider the slip of employee morale. At times like this, the organizations must take it upon themselves to boost their morale unless you want to drop your productivity level.
Working from home can have different effects on different people. While some studies show that it increases employee’s productivity, others say that it can end making the employees feel lonely and thereby affecting their productivity. Today we’ll tell you how we managed to cheer up the employees working at NewAgeSys during the challenging times of 2020.
Team Activities
One of the best ways to ensure that employee morale stays intact is by organizing team activities where the employees can connect and communicate with each other. It goes without saying that these activities can not be conducted when everyone is physically present, but thanks to the leaps and bounds we have made in tech, we can now efficiently conduct something like this virtually.
At NewAgeSys, we conducted numerous online team activities like a virtual quiz via skype. We even went so far as to hire virtual entertainment that all of our valued employees could enjoy together. It is quintessential that a company’s employees still get to enjoy the social side of work, and it had an excellent effect on their morale.
Check-In on Your Staff
Like we mentioned before, one of the negative aspects of working from home is that the employees may feel lonely, especially if they are living by themselves. At NewAgeSys, we made it a point to check-in regularly on our staff.
You need to understand that the conversation you have could be the only one they have at times like this, and human interaction is never to be underestimated. It can directly affect an employee’s morale, and it reassures them that you are thinking about them at a time like this.
Recognize & Award Their Efforts
Recognition for work is something that we all crave. Even if it is not met with material rewards, getting acknowledged for their work can be a significant mood booster. We made sure that every achievement, no matter how small, was acknowledged.
We also made it a point to reward the leading personnel in their respective fields on a periodic basis. Furthermore, these rewards didn’t just affect the morale of the one receiving it but also their team encouraging them to strive for more.
Encourage Work Breaks
We are all well aware of the kind of work we are in, and that involves staring at a computer screen all day, every day. The work alone is enough to cause a headache or back pain because we are always sitting. Add to this the fact that working from home has its own challenges.
One of the best things about working from home is its convenience, and you should not take that away from your employees. This is why at NewAgeSys, we encourage our staff to take work breaks. This ensures that they bring their best to the table and that their productivity level doesn’t go down.
Many things are going around right now, and we are not sure how soon we’ll be back to normalcy. It is essential that you keep your hopes high and even more important to help and grow the people around you at times like this. We need to help each other now more than ever, and that is what we at NewAgeSys have always tried to accomplish, a working environment where everyone can feel happy and appreciated. We must keep doing the same no matter what the circumstance.